
I am a grateful man. An extremely grateful man.

On Friday last, my new employer handed me a pay cheque. And I was grateful.

Now for many of us this is a regular, anticipated even expected event. There was a time in my life where pay day was just another day. I produced work, I was compensated for work. There was a natural flow of events.

I changed employers and expected the work/ compensation relationship would continue. It did not. My employer at that time was experiencing cash flow difficulties such that he could only pay our wages on an infrequent and irregular basis. I was always grateful for my wages when I received them, but always questioned when the next installment would come. I left that employer with him still owing me $6,000 in wages I will never see.

With no regular income, I soon became homeless. I made bad decisions and let my addiction get the best of me. I worked intermittently for a temp agency and drank to celebrate my earnings. I had a serious health scare and drank for bravery. I stayed in shelters, I stayed on the street. I ate once every 3 days. I lost 40 pounds.

By October of 2012 I had decided all I could do was drink myself to death. I was resigned to the fact the end was near. I sold my tools of trade. I sold $65,000 worth of tools for a song. The end was near.

Then came November of 2012. I reconnected with a woman from my past. Someone who wanted to help me. Help me through the hospital tests. Help me with my addiction. Hell, she wanted to help me gain back some of my weight. I looked in the mirror and saw walking death. She looked at me and saw… she saw something else.

Fast forward five short months. We live together with my lady’s two kids. I now carry about 205 pounds. I haven’t been intoxicated in quite some time. I do a lot of the right things. We care for the kids and help them deal with the turmoil of their parents’ divorce. We do a lot of everyday things. Things I once took for granted.

Now I have a new job, I’m healthy and even loved.

And grateful.

When my employer handed me a cheque Friday last he had no idea the profound effect it would have on me. Friday after next he will likely hand me another and I will be just as grateful.

I look back on the path I’ve walked and know I can look at it one of two ways. I can be resentful for my losses and the cold nights on the streets of London. Or, I can be grateful for the experiences, grateful for the lessons I had to learn. Humble to accept the gifts I have today.

Today I am a grateful man. A man who is employed. A man with a few true friends. A man who loves and is loved by a lady and her kids. A man who is no longer controlled by addiction. I will strive to be the best employee I can be. I will be the best spouse I am able for my lady. I will be a good example for my lady’s kids. Most of all I will be……. I choose to be……
