Earth Hour

A recycled post in honour of the planet…


Well, Earth Hour has arrived in all its darkened splendour. The chance to show our dedication to our environment, rise up against greenhouse gasses and rally the troops to battle global warming!

Or not.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I quite like polar ice caps and fresh air. It’s ‘token gestures’ which annoy me to no end. Little ‘feel good’ displays of global concern from a society that thrives on consumption serve no purpose to me.

Turning our lights off for a hour on Saturday will allow millions of people to pat themselves on the back for demonstrating environmental concern. How many will jump in their cars on Monday for their single passenger commute, idle their engines while in the drive thru for their morning Timmies (in a disposable cup with plastic lid) all the while planning their well deserved RV, plane or boat trips this coming summer??

It’s not…

View original post 169 more words

The Haunting

As I move forward in life I try to be a better man. I attempt to forego the actions of my past. I endeavour to be the type of person who is honest, trustworthy and reliable.

Really not rocket science for most.

But for me, it’s a struggle.

As someone who has been tossed away so frequently I am the saboteur to my own happiness. I hurt and disappoint people. I fall back into old, comfortable habits. I defile joy.

In order to move forward, it has been said, one must sever ties with the past. But, the past is a living thing. A vile, hateful, insidious thing. It creeps into my subconscious telling me how unworthy I am. It sits on my heart whispering to me. It invades my sleep with screams of recrimination.

Tomorrow I must face the end of a horrific journey. I am in a near constant panic at the moment. Moving on and through this matter will bring closure to parts of my past. Moving on and through this matter will bring new fears of things unknown.

I want to be a honourable man. Someone people would be glad to know. Someone I would be proud to be and to know.

I just hope I’ve got the strength and fortitude to stay well clear of the vermin that is my past.